EDITORIAL: Planes On Lease

LE MONDE, Paris, has carried a sensational report to the effect that France has agreed to lease five Exocet-armed super Etendard jets to Iraq. If this re­port is accurate which there is no reason to doubt, this is the first time that France has taken such a dramatic step in favour of Iraq. France has sold Mirage F-ls and other military hardware worth four billion pounds to Iraq during its current war with Iran. But the decision to lease the Eten­dard jets is an altogether different matter. The Etendard-Exocets com­bination is deadly.

France is treating the matter as being extremely urgent. Accord­ing to Le Monde, the planes are being taken from France’s carrier-borne tactical nuclear force. The Iraqi deputy prime minister, Mr. Tarek Aziz, made a request for these weapons during his recent visit to Paris. Iraq is not in a position to pay for them, at pre­sent. Apparently France is pre­pared to take great risks in its long-term relations with Iran which it would in all probability not have been willing to do unless it ex­pected substantial gains in Arab countries, especially in Saudi Arabia.

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